About eeNews Europe Automotive

The vertical Design Centers offered by eeNews Europe connect engineers with expert sources of knowledge, from vendors, consultants, independent designers and application engineers. They deliver breaking news, reviews, product announcements, in-depth product research tools, expert advice and analysis, insights into industry trends, and hands-on how-to details. The six Design Sites feature an independent web site and a weekly e-mail newsletter.

Christoph Hammerschmidt runs the eeNews Europe Automotive website and also contributes actively to the print edition of eeNews Europe. Christoph is the main editorial contact for Automotive-related topics.

Contact info 

Christoph Hammerschmidt : Tel:  +49 8930779786       

André Rousselot : Publisher: Tel:   +32 27400053  Mobile:  +32 477269509  

European Business Press SA, 533 Chaussée de Louvain,  1380 Lasne,  Belgium

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