About eeNews Europe

eeNews Europe (electronics europe News) is a fully digital publication developed to serve the European B2B electronics industry with News on the global electronics market and specialized channels dedicated to Power Management, Analog, Automotive and RF. Owned by European Business Press SA, eeNews Europe has the broadest editorial team in the industry in Europe. 

Nick Flaherty, the Editor-in-Chief of eeNews Europe is also running the Power vertical pages.  He is supported by Jean-Pierre Joosting in charge of RF and microwave related matters while Peter Clarke looks after analog and business related topics on the eeNews Europe Analog and eeNews Europe websites.
Christoph Hammerschmidt runs the eeNews Europe Automotive pages and also contributes to eeNews Europe.

Editorial coverage 

www.eeNewsEurope.com has a panEuropean audience with over 170,000 unique visitors than across more than 40 European countries and provides a mix of industry news, analysis, technology news, and product news. The online media kit is available  here
Contact info 

Nick Flaherty :  +44 07710 236368

Jean-Pierre Joosting: Tel. +44-7800 548133

Christoph Hammerschmidt: Tel +49 89 44450209

Peter Clarke: Tel +44 776 786 55 93

André Rousselot, Group Publisher: Tel +32 27400053   Mobile: +32 477269509

European Business Press SA, 

Chaussée de Louvain 533, 1380 Lasne, Belgium.

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