Nordic, Nokia team for access to essential IoT patents

January 28, 2022 // By Peter Clarke
Nordic, Nokia to offer access to essential IoT patents
Companies purchasing IoT hardware from fabless chip company Nordic Semiconductor ASA will be given the opportunity to license Nokia's portfolio of cellular communications patents.

Nordic Semiconductor has teamed up with Nokia to simplify access to esential patents for the Internet of Things (IoT) in a deal the company says it the first of its kind. 

The agreement will simplify and speed up the Standard Essential Patent (SEP) licensing process and help companies delivering IoT products and services. Licenses will be available at the end device level and companies will continue to have the option to license direct with Nokia.

Nokia's patents are relevant to virtually all cellular devices and LTE-M and NB-IoT technologies but the company is under an obligation to provide licenses on a fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory (FRAND) basis.

"Nordic Semiconductor is all about making IoT easy for its customers. Through this collaboration with Nokia, we have now added transparency and predictability early in the design process, giving the increased clarity and certainty Nordic cellular IoT customers have been seeking over the past three to four years," said Kjetil Holstad, executive vice president of product management at Nordic Semiconductor, in a statement.

Jenni Lukander, president of Nokia Technologies, said: “It’s a win-win for Nordic’s customers and Nokia, simplifying the SEP licensing process in the IoT space and making it easier for licensing agreements to be concluded amicably and efficiently. The move will support the future growth of cellular IoT and ensure that consumers benefit from an even greater range of connected products and services."

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